আমাদের পছন্দ আর অপছন্দের জায়গা (করাইলের তরুণ তরুণীদের কথা) । Places we like and dislike (by the korail youth group)
Youths of Korail described the space and community they live in ,in the light of their liking or disliking.
Golpershala 2 | Housing Rights within Informality. Khalid Hussain
You are invited to the second session of the 'Golpershala' talk series. This time Lawyer Khalid Hussain, Chief Executive at Council of Minorities, will be in conversation with Community leaders of Korail.
Golpershala 3 | Navigating Rights Within Social Movements - Chaumtoli Huq
Chaumtoli will share her experiences of working with diverse groups of social movements spanning US and Bangladesh. Reflecting on her work and the challenges of navigating different contexts and locations, that are underpinned by her desire for social justice through lens of human rights law, she will also share what has been successful, and how we can continue the fight for social justice.
Exhibition: Threads of Tradition, Rukia
Threads of Tradition explores contemporary societal issues through Rukia’s new and old tapestries, alongside a unique collection of clothing inspired by Dhaka’s rickshaw art. This exhibition highlights the intersection of tradition and modernity, using the intricate craft of tapestry to address themes like social justice.