Moja Kori: Treasure Hunt Density
The ‘Treasure Hunt’ Density challenge is an exciting way to understand and experience the city organised by the Travellers of Bangladesh and Escapade team. The Korail edition is filled with clues, tasks and games throughout Korail in a competitive way! To participate - register as groups of three.
There are prizes to be won!
THE DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS 10TH DECEMBER 11: 59 PM BST TIME. ( We may need to restrict the number of groups and an early deadline depending on the responses).

Treasure Hunt .. an activity based amateur game where a team of three individuals competes with several other teams, hunting down the hidden treasures all over the location in the fastest possible way. This time Treasure Hunt a single day event. Each team starts their day together from a designated point. To move on, to the next destination (way point) team wins an encrypted message (clue). Only by solving clues, team gets to know about the next Way Point. As the team reaches the next Way Point, they will receive another clue. To make it more interesting to get the clue from some WP, team may have to successfully perform a challenge (Task). By this way after traveling a number of way points , the team that reaches the Final Way-point (where the last Treasure is preserved) in the fastest possible time will achieve the Treasure.
THIS IS A NON-COMMERCIAL EVENT. Fees collected from registration will go to event logistics and prize.
ট্রেজার হান্ট' একটি এডভেঞ্চার গেম বা রেস। যেখানে অংশগ্রহণকারীরা ৩ জনের টিম হিসেবে অংশ নিয়ে থাকেন। প্রতিযোগিতাটা হয় টিমগুলোর মধ্যে। এই খেলায় অংশগ্রহণকারীদের নানা রকম clue থেকে বুদ্ধি খাটিয়ে রহস্য সমাধান করারা মাধ্যমে বিভিন্ন গন্তব্যে ছুটে যেতে হয়, এবং এরই মাঝে বিভিন্ন challenging task এর মুখোমুখি হন তারা। এসবের চ্যালেঞ্জ solve করে সবার আগে যে টিম চুড়ান্ত গন্তব্যে পৌঁছে যেতে পারেন তারাই হন 'ট্রেজার হান্ট' এর বিজয়ী।
এবারকার ট্রেজার হান্টে প্রথম টিম ট্রেজার/পুরষ্কার অর্জন করতে পারবেন।
এবারকার ট্রেজার হান্ট 'Treasure hunt density' হবে ১ দিন ব্যাপী। খেলা শুরু হবে ১৪ ডিসেম্বর আনুমানিক সকাল ৭/৭.৩০ টায় আর শেষ হবে আনুমানিক ১০-১২ ঘন্টা পরে। এই এডভেঞ্চার রেসে অংশ নিতে হলে আগ্রহী ৩ জনের টিম এর রেজিস্ট্রেশন করতে হবে।
খেলা শুরু হবে আগের দিন কোণ এক সময়ে অনলাইনে দেয়া Clue বা রহস্য এর মাধ্যমে। সেই clue টি solve করলে টিমগুলো কিছু নির্দেশনা সহ একটা স্থানে যাবার ইঙ্গিত/সুত্র পাবে। সেই স্থানে তাদের সকালে সময়মতো চলে আসতে হবে। এর পর থেকে টিমগুলো ধারাবাহিকভাবে নানা রকম clue এবং task এর মুখোমুখি হবে। Clue হলো এমন রহস্য বা সমস্যা, যা বুদ্ধি খাটিয়ে সমাধান করা যায়। আর task হলো এমন চ্যালেঞ্জ যা দলগত কাজ এবং দক্ষতার মাধ্যমে সমাধান করতে হয় নির্দিষ্ট নিয়ম মেনে। নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের মধ্যে একটা চ্যালেঞ্জ সমাধান করলে পরবর্তী চ্যালেঞ্জ উন্মুক্ত হয়। এভাবে বিভিন্ন clue এবং task এর চ্যালেঞ্জ সম্পন্ন করে টিমগুলোকে একটার পর একটা গন্তব্য খুঁজে বের করতে হবে এবং সেখানে ছুটে যেতে হবে। ধারাবাহিকভাবে এসব challanges সমাধান করে সবার আগে যে দল চুড়ান্ত গন্তব্যে পৌঁছে যেতে পারেন তারাই হবেন 'ট্রেজার' বিজয়ী।
- “Treasure Hunt-DENSITY” (henceforth referred to as "The Event") will be governed by the Event Committee. This committee owns complete discretion in formulating and in applying all rules and penalties. These rules may be modified or altered by the Event committee at any time.
- This event is part of a larger multidisciplinary event called "MOJA KORI". MOJA KORI's directives will also apply to this event.
- This event will take place in Korrail, one of the most densely populated areas of the city. As a result, teams must adhere to the safety policy and community guidelines recommended by the MOJA KORI organizer.
- The official language of the Event is Bangla and English and all competitors must be responsible for reading and understanding these rules, Event’s signs and directions, and/or any oral instructions provided before and during the Event.
- The Event Committee reserves the right to disqualify teams found conducting any violation to these rules or contrary to the best interests of the Event. The decisions of the Event Committee will be final and cannot be appealed.
- Time cut-off points may be designated at various places along the route. Teams arriving after the designated time at any cut- off point may, at the discretion of Event officials, be penalized / disqualified.
- Failure of any team member or a team to immediately and respectfully comply with a direction or decision of an Event official will result in the disqualification of the team.
- All decisions by the Event Director regarding the results and the prizes will be final and binding on all the Event participants.
- The event has been planned in two stages. In the first stage, any number of teams may attend the event; in the second stage, the 10 teams who arrive first at the designated waypoint will proceed.
- Each team must select a team leader. The team leader will be fully responsible for the team.
- The organizers will keep communication with the team leader only, and only the team leader will communicate with the organizers. All correspondence from the organizers will be addressed to the team leader.
- Each team will have three members.
- Use of any special equipment’s or Event tactics, the legality of which are unclear under these rules, must be disclosed in full to the Event Committee and get approval prior of the Event. The Event Committee will keep the inquiry confidential. In the event if a team fails to pre-disclose and receive approval, this fact will weigh against the team in the determination of any protests filed on account of use of such equipment’s or tactics.
- Team leader needs to ask the Event organizers if team substitutes any team member at least 24 hours before the event beginning. If the team have a valid reason to do so, event authority will consider it. After that team combination can’t be changed anymore. Teams less than three will not be permitted to participate the Event.
- Each team will bear all the expenses of transportation and food. Event authority will not be responsible for these expenditures.
ARTICLE 3: Check Point/Way Point
- The Event will run from Way Points to Way Points. The Way Points (WP) are the locations which are selected by the Event organizers and teams will get clues or have to perform tasks to continue the event. At every WP, the team leader must record their time from CP officials.
- All the members of the team must arrive at every WP together.
- If more than one team reaches the CP then the following teams have to wait in queue, if told.
- When required, any WP may have alternative rules and regulation for that specific WP.
- Every team will have to pass through all the WP only in the prescribed sequence only. Missing any WP/CP will lead to instant disqualification.
- Any CP or WP can be turn into a Cutoff point, where every team must have to reach within a mentioned time. Team arriving after that time may be elimination.
- Any action by any team that degrades deteriorates, or damages the environment, will lead to full disqualification. If any team seen littering or thrashing garbage along the way of the Event, altering or tampering with any of the natural surroundings for any reason whatsoever, the team will be instantly disqualified and financially penalized by law enforcers.
- All members of a team must be within visual range of each other till the completion of the Event. Event officials have the right to disqualify the team if not found within visual range of each other.
- The Event Director has the right to disqualify any team on the grounds of indiscipline or indecent behavior for any such action that is detrimental to the conduct of the Event.
- If any information provided by the participant team is found to be false or incorrect, the team will be disqualified and will be considered a break of law.
- Every team will have to pass through all the WP in the prescribed sequence only. Failing to do so will lead to disqualification.
- Argument with Event officials or the members of other teams will lead to disqualification.
- Teams must make reasonable assumptions and decisions with regard to the direction of the course and the team will only be responsible for their decision. Any team who removes or changes the location and/or direction of course markings will be disqualified.
- Event officials reserve the right to prohibit a competitor from starting or finishing any segment of the Event on medical grounds. Any such decision of the Event official / committee is final.
- All decisions given by the Event officials will be final and binding on all the participants. No arguments whatsoever will be entertained. Any such arguments will lead to disqualification of the team even if the Event is over and the results are declared.
- Mandatory Equipment’s- the following equipment’s are mandatory and must be carried by each team / competitor at all times between the start and finish line.
- One Smart Phone with internet, GPS, Camera, QR Code Reader, PDF Reader, Photo Viewer (team must ensure that their phone should work for all day long, suggested to have backup battery/Power Bank)
- Back Pack
- Pen and Notebook
2. If any team thinks they need to carry any gadget /equipment which will be needed by them in the event, they should ask the event official for permission to carry those. Otherwise carrying any special gadget / equipment may cause disqualification for the team. Every query by any team will be remaining confidential.
ARTICLE 6: Registration
- Any team can register themselves through Google From. The link of the registration form is –
- No incomplete form will be accepted. All details including name, address, occupation, date of birth, telephone numbers, emergency contact numbers of close relatives and other details MUST BE PROVIDED by the participants.
- The contact numbers of any other participant of the Event cannot be provided as an Emergency Contact Number.
ARTICLE 7: Safety and Acknowledgement
- The game will run on the streets of Korail for one day. Please follow the general safety measures on the roads.
- If anything goes wrong then only participants will be responsible, event authority would NOT bear any kind responsibility.
- Use a mobile to call the given support number if in trouble.
- Participants have to be prepared for any sort of weather condition.
ARTICLE 8: Expenses
- Teams must ensure they can afford their own transportation, food & beverage expenses during the Event.
ARTICLE 9: Hints and Penalty
- A team can get maximum 3 HINTS in the event.
- Each HINTS will cost them 30 minutes waiting time .
ARTICLE 10: Result
1. The team reach first at the Treasure Location (Final WP) will be the winner..
About Travellers of Bangladesh: Travellers of Bangladesh, in short ToB, is the largest platform for travel lovers and adventure enthusiasts of Bangladesh. Currently this organization has more than 1.1M members in it’s facebook group. ToB is widely known for its ethical approaches in tourism and promoting self supported traveling. ToB has inspired countless people to travel self-dependently which is widely known as backpacking style. This organization has the largest storehouse of user-generated data about traveling in Bangladesh and abroad. Rather than this ToB is one of the pioneer organizations which worked to promote adventure and outdoor sports in Bangladesh. ToB has conducted several programs to promote responsible traveling and regularly clean-up some of the most popular tourist spots of Bangladesh.
To know more about Travelers of Bangladesh visit:
FB Group :
FB Page :
About Escapade: ESCAPADE is a Business Brand Activation and Event organization company which cover value added activation programs and different event organization services. Our activation programs don’t just reach to customers; our activation ideas and services connect customers, create hype and emotionally attach customers with you. We are a team with synergy and commitment. A team that prioritize to understand you and your business; and value your business philosophy. We are YOU-centric. We create for you.